I Love My Daby

Why choose the Daby Love
Pacifier for Baby?

Quality and safety are two of the most important aspects of any product that you give to your little miracle. While the shape and weight of a pacifier is important for your baby’s comfort, a topic that doesn’t get much light are the AFC’s (Artificial Food Coloring or synthetic colors) involved in the making of pacifiers. After 45 years of real scientific studies, there are so many references to the harm that AFC’s not only have on our children, but all of society as a whole. Scientific studies show that harmful chemicals are being swallowed by baby in these colorful pacifiers. It sends chills through my body knowing that harmful...

Daby Love

Quality and safety are two of the most important aspects of any product that you give to your little miracle. While the shape and weight of a pacifier is important for your baby’s comfort, a topic that doesn’t get much light are the AFC’s (Artificial Food Coloring or synthetic colors) involved in the making of pacifiers. After 45 years of real scientific studies, there are so many references to the harm that AFC’s not only have on our children, but all of society as a whole. Scientific studies show that harmful chemicals are being swallowed by baby in these colorful pacifiers. It sends chills through my body knowing that harmful materials are approved for the use on our miracles. It just brings tears to my eyes knowing how unsafe this world truly is for our babies. AFC’s are not only linked to the development of ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) and ADHD (Attention Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder) but it’s also linked to many other chemical imbalances and even underdevelopment accompanied by learning disabilities. A parent should know these things to make an educated decision on all products given to our miracles.
As parents, we love to put beautiful things with aspiring colors in the hands of our youth. Science has shown us that the colors that we see can play a significant role in how we feel as people. The brilliance and magnificence of us as human beings marvel at our favorite colors and they make us feel good and we want to pass that along to our newly born miracles and shown them the greatness of colors. So how can we do that without the harmful effects of chemicals?
My wife and I started researching the best possible materials to make the healthiest and best quality pacifier. At first, after researching all the horrible effects of chemicals being used in baby products, we wanted to go all natural. So we researched the use of all natural rubber with natural pigments (for color) included and found that a lot of people complained of the taste of the rubber and some babies even had allergies to the natural pigments that were used by other companies (trying to provide color in a healthier way).
After careful research of all materials, transparent food grade silicone is the healthiest and safest for baby. No chemicals or anything harmful is ingested by using this material. So we use the very best of this material by getting the food grade soft silicone and wrapping up your favorite colors safely inside of the pacifier for baby to enjoy only the best of the best. Carefully, butterfly designed, baby can breath easy as the shield contours to lips and gives plenty of room to those precious cheeks.
This pacifier also comes equipped with a teether handle and hearts as rivets made into the handle to sooth baby gums if needed as well as a protective cap to keep those germs off when baby is not using.
Food grade silicone is very durable; even more so than natural rubber, but we recommend discarding and replacing after 90 days for the purpose of quality integrity for baby.
This pacifier is made as one piece for easier and more efficient cleaning.
This is my wife and I’s very first product with many more to come to provide a safer and healthier future for our miracles. God bless and thank you for reading.

Daby Love
I Love My Daby

The Key Features

Bpa free

Bisphenol A is a chemical compound primarily used in the manufacture of various plastics. It is a colourless solid which is soluble in organic solvents, but is only poorly soluble in water. Exposure to BPA is a concern because of the possible health effects on the brain and prostate gland of fetuses, infants and children. It can also affect children's behavior. Additional research suggests a possible link between BPA and increased blood pressure, type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

Pthalates Free

Phthalates, or phthalate esters, are esters of phthalic acid. They are mainly used as plasticizers, i.e., substances added to plastics to increase their flexibility, transparency, durability, and longevity. They are used primarily to soften polyvinyl chloride. Phthalates, a family of industrial chemicals used to soften polyvinyl chloride (PVC) plastic and as solvents in cosmetics and other consumer products, can damage the liver, kidneys, lungs, and reproductive system.

AFC’s Free

What are Artificial Colors? Artificial colors are food additives used to provide or enhance characteristic colors in food products. They are obtained from synthetic processes, and are typically made up of complex hydrocarbons, nitrogen and sulfur ions. A: Studies have linked artificial food dyes to:

  • Hyperactivity, including ADHD.
  • Behavioral changes like irritability and depression.
  • Hives and asthma.
  • Tumor growth (three of the primary food dyes contain benzene, a known cancer-causing substance).
I Love my Daby Reviews

Customer Reviews

Fantastic product, great for teething. My daughter (30 months) still has a dummy for nighttime and we found she was easily chewing through normal ones. These last months!

Rosie A.

Literally the only paci my babe will accept. He’s rejected all major binky brands, spits out even the most expensive pacifiers. BUT NOT THIS ONE! Finally found a binky he’ll accept and I’m thrilled.

Lexy. Y

My LO loves to put everything into his mouth, even a whole dummy! So I went for this one, because it's chunky enough to stop him from putting into his mouth.


I love that this pacifier focuses on a healthier future for my baby. Need more products like this ...

Lindsey k

Absolutely love this pacifier! I've done research and compared it to eco pacifier (by ecopiggy), ummy and natursutten. Daby has the BEST appeal. It is also easy for baby to keep in their mouth. No smell Unlike other eco friendly, non toxic pacifiers, it does not cover baby's nose. It also has a big loop that baby can grab, which my little one LOVES!

Stephanie r.

This is a super cute pacifier and my baby loves using it! It's also very easy to wash keep clean and sanitary. I gave it 4 stars because it does have quite a large loop which makes it easy for baby to either grab or accidentally knock out of her mouth.
